at the time of writing this, I'm nearly 50 and I want to give you an idea of what it can be like but each case is different in all ways.
Energy expenditure and physical activity of ambulatory children with cerebral palsy and of typically developing children.
Original Article: Bell, K. L. & Davies, P. S. W (2010). Energy expenditure and physical activity of ambulatory children with cerebral palsy and of typically developing children. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 92, 313–319.
Research Corner by Dr Laurie Malone.
The nutritional needs and energy requirements of children with cerebral palsy (CP) are not understood. On one hand, there are reports indicating children with the condition unable to walk result in being under, weight. And those who can are overweight.
Bell and Davies (2010) conducted a study to examine the energy expenditure of ambulatory children with CP compared to typically developing youth.
Weight is an important thing to factor in as it is commonly known, people who have the condition are using 3 times as much energy as those who don't. The more weight someone has over what is safe means that they are putting a larger pressure on joints and muscles that are used. This is a danger with someone with this condition like me. Any medication also is a thing to consider and the age of the person. I am learning this as I go along. Although it is known that some medications put on weight too even for the average person,
Energy used by a person with cerebral palsy changes over time as well. Especially if they can walk or not.
When sitting in a wheelchair being pushed and unable to control their own moves. people are not burning as much energy. As say someone pushing their own weight in one. Therefore they are using exponentially more energy. The same goes for someone who can walk either on their own or with walking aids and those who don't.

As a young child, I was quite often put on diets, to keep control, of how I looked. It was also to ensure that I didn't put, much on, or, cause damage to my joints. As an adult, I am conscious that I have to be careful.

When sitting in a wheelchair being pushed and unable to control their own moves. people are not burning as much energy. As say someone pushing their own weight in one. Therefore they are using exponentially more energy. The same goes for someone who can walk either on their own or with walking aids and those who don't.
All medical professions will say; do not put a child on a diet; unless they are considered medically obese. Every option is to be considered before that is done. I would still just be careful and eat healthily with everything in moderation.
This is when things start changing even, for the average teen. It is advised that they are not to be put on anything specific; until they are 16. Even then, I would suggest everything in moderation as I said for young children.
Young Adults
It is in their late teens and twenties, as a guardian, you cannot take control of what they eat or don't. However, it is the time when they should be aware of what they are eating. It is also a certainty that this is the time that they will rebel.
I certainly did. I ballooned up to nearly 14 stone, putting, pressure on my joints. Which I regret greatly. It was also, in this age bracket, in which things hadn't noticeably changed for me.
I still had the same amount of energy that I had as a child. I had another condition that wiped my energy on some days. Which wasn't diagnosed until I was 30. I felt I really could not be bothered to look after myself very much.
My 30s
It wasn't until my late 20s I decided that I was going to try for children. Finding it difficult to manoeuvre, discovering that I was almost 14 stone. This was the decade; I changed everything. I tried fasting, fancy diets and fads that were out then, without a few acceptions; found that #WeightWatchers #WW, worked for me the best. I lost all my excess weight and fell pregnant.
After having my children and managing to only put one lb while pregnant, I thought, I could forget about it, and, go back to normal. To an extent, that is the case. Life got in the way; after 12 years break from another condition; I became ill putting on the weight again.
My 40s
I'm writing this post in my late 40s still learning as I go along. I will be updating this as I get older.
In my late 30s early 40s, I kept my mobility going but started really noticing that I was getting more and more tired, so got a mobility scooter at 42 years old. I questioned myself on whether this was a good idea because as a person I am very active.

I discovered with this I can do more like a mum. I am aware although it does conserve my energy and that ability, to do more, it can cause me to gain more weight. I decided to get serious with exercise, especially #physiotherapy, to maintain my #ability and #agility.
I got a #pedometer to track my steps, so I didn't seize up. I discovered this wasn't enough. I joined a #gym and for a couple of years while also monitoring what I ate. This did help me considerably so it is worth trying yourself.
I tried doing #SlimmingWorld and found it difficult to keep up although it does work. It wasn't for me, unfortunately. I wanted to continue going to the #gym but things beyond my control 2020 has made it impossible to do so. So I went back to what I knew worked a long time ago which was #WeightWatchers #WW and so far I have lost over a stone in weight.
More information as I get older.