Showing posts with label food. Show all posts
Showing posts with label food. Show all posts

Sunday, November 14

Being healthy! While having cerebral palsy. Doesn't have to be a struggle!

Trying to be healthy with Cerebral Palsy

Trying to be healthy with this condition can be so hard at times and I have mentioned this in a couple of my posts, such as Exercises or no exercises, and 4 Amazing healthy eating ideas with a disability and since writing these posts originally so much has changed. I have learned a little bit more about the way that food is affected by the way a disabled person digests it. You may think we are the same and yes in many ways we are but we are different. One of the differences I never considered until recently is how we get the nutrients that we need to live.

The physical act of chewing

Every time anyone puts some food in their mouth there is the act of chewing the food. You may think this is the easiest way to get the nutrients that we need and yes it should be. However, it not always the case. Unfortunately, when a disabled person eats food it can be the case that we may not be able to chew the food sufficiently. This means that there are often bigger lumps going into the stomach. Consequently, the nutrients that we need are not got because the stomach is unable to get them.

Vitamin and Mineral Supplements

Another way that it is possible is to take multivitamin tablets to help your body get the stuff that it needs. 

Ok, so these are great if your want to boost things especially if you are feeling a bit poorly. These are also a great way of boosting everything if you are not able to eat everything. This might be because you are allergic to specific things. This might be fruits, nuts or something else. That's ok but also check that the supplements that you are taking don’t include something you are allergic to because that can cause problems.

Shakes and bars

These are great if you are monitoring what you are eating and drinking. But as I have mentioned in an earlier paragraph chewing or lack of chewing is part of the way of reason for not getting the correct amount of nutrients that you need. A shake might be a good way of boosting everything as you may not be able to chew enough. And that's ok.

Feeding tubes

Another way that is done for people who are unable to chew. For me, this is not something I know about but I do know that this is a way that it is happening at hospitals and homes. So if it is an option for you then you will need to research it. Making your own decisions in the end. 

My take on this

After discovering that because of my disability I have not been able to chew my food properly. I have made a conscious effort to chew more effectively as well as have supplements for anything that I am missing if along with the occasional shake to replace some of the stuff that I need. I have tried many different types of shakes and the one that I have found that works for me the best is Herbalife. I was introduced to it by the Paralympian David Smith. I will do an in-depth review of the shakes I was given in another post as well. as an interview with David Smith about everything, he is about.

What Now?

For me the choice is easy and it's to do a combination of everything because I am the only one leading my life and there are days when I forget to chew my food properly, so I will have a vitamin supplement. There are days where I won't be eating the right stuff so a supplement is needed. And when I don’t feel like eating so to speak yet I will need to have something so again a shake might be an ideal compromise.

Final thoughts

That is up to you and what you think is the best option for you. Because only you can live your own life. No one else can. My advice to you is to research everything you can. but make your own mind up to what you actually need to live your life to the fullest no matter what.

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