Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18

Whoops it's been a while!

It's been a while since I wrote and did anything. Lots of things have been happening around me mentally and physically. I haven't been able to focus.

Lots of things are still going on at the moment. I’m going to have to keep this an explanatory blog post and audio. Because of the way things are at the moment.

I don't know how much longer they will be with all this going on, but I am doing little things through Instagram. You can catch me there. Also the occasional tweet. Those are the two programs that I use the most. You can always get me o


It's been a bit difficult at the moment. I am trying to decide what's most important. I do want to do what I've been doing since 2015. A lot of things have sort of thrown a spanner in the works. And my plans haven't been able to be put into place because of what was going on.

2I'm in the middle of doing one thing that needs to be done right after Christmas time.

We just have to wait and see what happens next and then I want to move forward. Half this year has been rather tangential. I think. It will be for the rest of the year. Though I will tweet, Instagram, and Facebook as much as I can. Things have gotten out of my control. I can't do what I want to do right now. So is frustrating.

My health also hasn't been particularly brilliant, so that has needed to come into play and is more important than anything else.

I've been advertising, the things I've been doing very to a game again. Mainly so you can catch me there. As I said but you're gonna see a lot more of me writing next year.

Please excuse the yawn. It's been rather hot recently, I will get back to you soon.


Sunday, November 28

Three weeks with Herbalife. My take on the big Health Lifestyle Company

What is Herbalife?

Herbalife is a lifestyle system that was started in 1980 and has health supplements ranging from protein shakes, vitamin supplements, bars and more. It has a big following and sponsors various sports teams and individuals such as La Galaxy, Cristiano Ronaldo, and the Israel Olympic Committee just to name a few. 

It is a multi-level networking company that is introduced to members by other members by talking about the benefits of the supplements etc. Then getting people to be representatives for the company and introducing more people to the products and lifestyle. 

There are lots of companies that do this, such as Forever Living, Juice Plus, Younique, Fredric Mohra (FM World). 

I am not here to diss the way the companies are run as I have tried many of them as a distributor and found that way of work is just not for me. 

However, as a person who is very conscious of what I should eat because of the way my weight also affects my joints and what agility I have left because of my cerebral palsy. I was very curious to know more about the company. And what they could do for me.

How did I get to know about the business?

Originally I saw a box with the name and also noticed that here in the UK the company was sponsoring the Paralympic team. During the original lockdown in 2020, I joined a Facebook page about cerebral palsy and got to know many people who have the same condition. But various types and stages depending on the person etc. One of whom is the Paralympian David Smith MBE. When he mentioned Herbalife and that he uses the products himself.

I have been sceptical about any lifestyle products that weren't being advertised by a person with the condition. So knowing someone else who has a similar condition using these products. Also seeing that the Paralympic team was using them intrigued me.

What happens first?

First of all, I was asked what I wanted as a goal and what I was eating generally. Also how much was I spending on lunchtime food?  From this, David worked out that having 2 shakes a day if I wanted to lose weight or 1 if I was thinking of maintaining. Originally I was thinking of losing weight but I wasn't sure.

What next?

After much deliberation on my part and life getting in the way. Along with David winning a gold medal in the Paralympics 2021 with  I was ready to take the next step in what I wanted to try. 

Then what?

After the break and life getting in the way. I got back in touch with David Smith and said I was ready to start. We recapped on what were my goals. At which point I said I wasn't exactly sure so wanted to trial the shakes on the whole. Especially as I wasn't sure about what would happen because I have endometriosis as well. And that is affected too by what I eat and drink.

Once we agreed that it was to be a general trial of the shakes he asked me what flavours I wanted. I replied with chocolate and cookies and cream.

The next day!

The following day my order arrived and there was so much more than I expected and included everything I needed. Such as the shake cup, measuring tape, measuring scoop and cookery book. As an extra David had sent me some skincare.

To make the shakes!

To make these it is completely easy. All you have to do is add 1 scoop of the actual shake mix and a scoop of the protein powder to 300ml of water. You can add ice too but I didn’t. My favourite flavour is cookies and cream. I was told you can mix the 2 flavours to make a 3rd of Chocolate Cookies and Cream but haven't as of yet.

What I did next!

Over the next week, I tried to follow his suggestion of having 2 shakes a day however because of added complications I have decided to just stick with having one shake a day when I am super busy as they are the most compatible with me as I have been poorly with other types. 

If you are interested in them please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Changing My Writing Style: From Information-Driven to Diary-Like

As a writer, evolving and adapting your style can be an exciting yet challenging journey. For years, I  have adhered to an infor...