Showing posts with label limbo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label limbo. Show all posts

Sunday, February 26

In Limbo! Waiting for the future

It can be difficult to feel like you are in limbo, not knowing what the future holds. However, try to focus on the present moment and what you can do to make your current situation the best it can be. Remind yourself of the things that bring you joy. And use this time to work on personal growth. The future will come when it is ready and you can use this time to prepare for it.

What does that mean?

It means exactly that! This may mean learning new skills, self development in any way. Sorting out the business you're in, getting the house in order for the next move or anything else that is needed.

For me!

This has meant having the house partially packed up. I kind of hate this situation. However, I am ready for whatever happens next in the sense of the house move because I am waiting for other people to do what they need to do in order to make my next step. That stage will be exciting. ☺️

What have I been doing?

I have been reading all types of books, catching up on TV shows that I have wanted to see and seeing friends. While waiting I have also dealt with some of my medical issues that I do talk about in posts. So that includes the main issue cerebral palsy, endometriosis, general anxiety disorder and clinical depression.

What now?

All I can do right now is wait until I get told what is next. It is frustrating but it is a good way to learn something like patience. And that is something that I have been doing since this has begun.and I will be seeing friends, reading, watching TV series I've not seen and wanted to as well. 

What's next?

Until I know when I am moving I will be working on my self development. This will be regarding my worth, use, patience and more.

So until then that is what is happening with my life with cerebral palsy and endometriosis. And that's ok for me!

Until the next post!

I hope you will read some of my posts and stick around for the next one.

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