Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Sunday, March 20

Winter and its Affects on the Body With CP


Why winter?

Carrying on from my post about autumn and its effects on the body with cerebral palsy. This post is about winter and its effects on a body with cerebral palsy.

Warmish Days:

These would be classed as the best days to go out as people have the least amount of pain in their muscles and joints due to the challenges the condition gives.

Stormy Days:

These days are avoided. As much as possible because of the pain that happens because of the way the muscles and joints are affected. However, we have to carry on regardless and go out if possible. Again that depends on how the condition affects the body.

Rainy Days:

These are similar to stormy days but can walk. They can be just as tricky especially if using walking aids such as sticks or crutches as the ground becomes more slippery. Therefore even with aids, it is more difficult to walk if done.

Cold Days:

Pain wise these days are absolutely the worst in my view. As my knees are very worn out. And as I have mixed cerebral palsy everywhere. But in general, these are the ones that affect every person with the condition. I try not to go out on these days

Snowy Days:

These are days again when there is a lot of pain if we go out. Which is very unlikely as well as the cold the ground is unstable as it's slippery. Even if we were able to go out it would be difficult with whatever aid we used. The pain in our joints and muscles could be unbearable.


So even if we do go out in autumn it depends if we need to go out for anything. But it doesn’t matter what type of cp we have the effects are the same to some degree or another.

Sunday, March 6

The Seasons and How They Affect The Body With CP


What do I mean!

In the next series of posts, I am going to be going through the ways how the seasons affect the way cp affects the body on seasonal and weather types. This will include the way the affects the muscles and moods.

The following is brief outlines of each post. That will be up weekly.


This is a particularly hard season, for many of us with cerebral palsy. As its weather and temperatures affect us quite severely. I will be discussing these in the next post. Which is out next week.


This post is about the way this seasons weather and temperature affect us.


Again this post is about how the season in all its types and how it affects the body when it has cerebral palsy.


This will be the final post about how the affects the body with cerebral palsy in the series although I have posted about the way ages affect the body with cerebral palsy. These areas follow:

And in this following series that starts with the following  about Depression and Cerebral Palsy

Final comments:

I hope you enjoy these posts.

Thursday, September 30

January has Almost gone: Winter is half gone! with Cerebral Palsy playing

 A new month!

January is going. Tomorrow is the first day of February. Has anything changed for you?

Have you had to stay in more because of what has happened in the last year and this new month that’s just going?

Lots of little things have happened this month certainly for me. Some of the things I couldn’t control and others I could, that’s ok!

You know what though, February is a new month. Each day is like the new day of a book. I acknowledge that I am the one in charge of what I think and what I can do. There are lots of things I can’t do but I know what I can, that is important to realise.

There are days particularly in the winter when I do struggle with my condition. It makes me feel like I’m not capable of anything I mentioned feeling low several times in posts such as Urgh the feeling and Urgh again as well as Urgh!!! Cerebral Palsy can take a long run and jump. These posts are all written either in late Autumn or throughout Winter. S.A.D is also a possibility as my moods change as the seasons’ change.

The move and it's effects

Since the move, I know that it's just my cerebral palsy that is making me feel low. It frustrates me so much at times. Because of the energy, it is zapping from me. I think of what I should be doing as a mum, and as a wife, but I know it makes me feel guilty for having the Cerebral Palsy as I am too tired to do what is required at times.

The place we are living in is making me feel a lot safer and more confident in what I can do. I am a lot happier than I was before. At the old home

What now!

But now and then, the feeling of exhaustion. Just from day to day living wipes me out. On those days I just want to curl up, sleep until I feel better.

I realise that it is very much to do with what cerebral palsy has done damage wise. Causing more depression episodes the older I get. Due to the change in my own body’s ability to live from day-to-day.

If you are in a similar situation then check out Liz Whitely Counselling and her blog. In the post, I have linked above is all about cerebral palsy and mental illnesses particularly depression and all it's’ types. If you are really struggling mentally because of your condition then please contact her through the link and she will be able to help you in many ways.

Another way of getting help is by getting in touch with the Cerebral Palsy Advice UK Group here in the UK where they can help and point you in the right direction for the help you really need.

Love and peace

Winter Blues


Most people go through some kind of depression which can be triggered by stress of any sort including trauma. 

Some get low because they don't have enough vitamin D. This develops into S.A.D. Seasonal Affective Disorder to give its full name. 
Vitamin D is normally processed by the skin and its access to sunlight, which is diminished in the winter months. Because the sun is much lower in the sky.
This is why people are so much happier in the summer.

One of the common ways to combat this is to boost your vitamin D intake from September to March. This can be done by taking vitamin supplements.
I take Vitamin D 

However, for a long while, I didn't so my own low moods had been lingering longer than I wanted. Even though spending only ten minutes outside helps boost the amount of vitamin D, I, unfortunately, have not been able to. 
So with the house situation and my other conditions, I have let my blog slip. This is not what I wanted but the house situation is being resolved I will be able to concentrate on it more. So reviews and much more will be forthcoming. As well as they move from one home to another
So please bear with me at the moment and I will be posting as and when I can. 
Love and Peace 

Changing My Writing Style: From Information-Driven to Diary-Like

As a writer, evolving and adapting your style can be an exciting yet challenging journey. For years, I  have adhered to an infor...