Sunday, April 10

Solutions for the seasons and their affects on a body with cerebral palsy


Many of these Solutions will come across as common sense which they are however people who don't know how cerebral palsy affects people with it. people should take these into account. remember it is not just the brain damage that was caused at birth it is the secondary issues such as muscle tone and joint problems that occur later in life and when this starts to show it is best to address s two seasons correctly for that particular person it depends on how they are generally and what they are as part of the disability.

If in summer the person is unable to control their body and body temperature then the best way is to keep as cool as possible as this will help the person with their movement if they can if on the other hand, they become cold then it is best to keep them warm and it doesn't matter whether they are outside or in because if someone was to have the central heating on in their house in the summer and it was hot they're muscle tone would also be affected and too difficult to manoeuvre easily for day-to-day life. therefore windows should be open at times and that person dressed appropriately.

If the person can walk on their own with or without aids then it is best to consider what they are doing for that particular day because everything has to be taken into account for the amount of energy that is used by that person for that particular day making it harder for the next day or 2. The average person would just put on a coat or jacket etc for that particular day but a person with cerebral palsy has to account for everything that they are doing as well and where they are going and how they are walking or moving around.  if in a wheelchair or a mobility scooter then the person has to again-dress accordingly to what the weather is like as any other person would. but as I have just said in my previous paragraph the person or people who use aids such as a walker or walking stick have to take those into account for where and what they are doing on that particular day. 

Therefore just like anyone else a coat or jacket would be needed for 4ev re1 who is walking on their own or in a wheelchair/Motability scooter however additional needs would be required for a wheelchair such as a blanket or waterproof cover, for the person who is sat in the chair for long periods out and about, should a shower or freak weather happen. 

Also while at home the person should be doing simple exercises that they can do with the carer or on their own to keep that mobility at the level that they are at rather than deteriorate further than expected or wanted at a quicker pace. 

I have another post on that earlier in my blog And they can be found at Exercises or No Exercises

Sunday, April 3

Summer and its Affects on the Body with CP

 it's summer

This is the third season when everyone outside and it doesn't matter whether you have a disability or not but with this season comes the reversal of the situation for winter. because again muscle tone and joint pain can occur. With cerebral palsy, it doesn't matter because of the muscle tone being tight being because of it being too hot just as it would be if it was too cold as in winter. 

A good example of this was a British Paralympian who was in Rio and said that her body loves the heat for muscle tone as it made it easier to run etc however her skin and the rest of the body where cerebral palsy is not affected the body hated the heat because of the humidity.

Doing this group of posts I asked various members of a group who have cerebral palsy and different types such as spastic, ataxic and diplegic And it doesn't didn't matter what type of disability or cerebral palsy someone has where the weather will affect the body to some extent. 

In conclusion to this then it would make no difference whether the person went out if they were worse too hot or too cold because the disability would be affected in the same way however when the weather is ideal then is the optimal time to go out and do things.

A new direction again.

I have written many posts about cerebral palsy, and moving homes several times. Particularly the new home and everything else to do with it...